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Ukrainian border guards strike Russian positions in Serebryanske forestry

Ukrainian border guards strike Russian positions in Serebryanske forestry Photo: Ukrainian border guards launched a series of strikes against Russian positions in the Serebryanske forestry (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian border guards carried out a series of successful strikes on Russian positions in the Serebryanske forestry in the Luhansk region. State Border Guard Service of Ukraine shared the results of their work.

The video shows the work of border guards of the Pomsta (revenge in Ukrainian - ed.) brigade.

The Ukrainian defenders inflicted numerous blows on Russian positions in the forest area.

According to the video, some areas of forest plantations have been destroyed due to continuous hostilities.

The Russian occupiers in this direction do not stop trying to advance deep and recently started to actively increase the intensity of attacks.

Serebryanske forestry

Serebryanske forest has a length of 10.1 hectares and has one more name - Kreminskyi forest. This area is located close to Kreminna.

At the same time, part of it is included in the territory of the Serebryanskyi reserve of local importance.

From the end of the summer of 2022, a line of defense runs on the territory of this forest.

Russians are constantly trying to push the Ukrainian defenders out of the Serebryanske forestry. That is why fierce battles are constantly taking place in the Serebryanske forestry area since most of the territory of the Luhansk region is already occupied by the Russians. Therefore, the Russian invaders do not abandon the idea of ​​entering the borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.