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Ukrainian border guard reports on situation in Russia's Belgorod region

Ukrainian border guard reports on situation in Russia's Belgorod region Photo: spokesman of the State Border Service of Ukraine Andrii Demchenko (mediacenter org ua)

Ukrainian border guards report no significant movement of Russian forces into the Belgorod region, which borders Ukraine. The situation is being closely monitored, reports the spokesperson for Ukraine's State Border Guard Service, Andrii Demchenko, during a TV marathon.

"At the moment, there are no signs of such movements (troops and equipment). Russia maintains a certain number of forces within its region, but I can't confirm any mass reinforcements or increases in military presence," the spokesperson said.

However, Demchenko noted that the enemy is expecting "certain actions" and is preparing for them. He added that the primary task of the border guards is to maintain defensive positions on Ukrainian territory.

"The enemy can take any actions against our country at any moment," Demchenko emphasized.

Situation in the Kursk and Belgorod regions

For nearly two weeks, Ukraine has been conducting an offensive operation in the Kursk region. Earlier, Russian authorities imposed a counter-terrorism regime in the Kursk, Belgorod, and Bryansk regions.

Additionally, a federal-level state of emergency has been declared in the Belgorod region.

A week ago, footage allegedly showing Ukrainian fighters in a border village in the Belgorod region was circulated online. However, Ukrainian command has not confirmed that the Defense Forces' operation has expanded into the Belgorod region.

RBС-Ukraine asked a military expert whether the Kursk breakthrough could extend to the Belgorod region. For more details, see our report.