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Ukrainian Armed Forces report on battles for Vovchansk

Ukrainian Armed Forces report on battles for Vovchansk Ukrainian Armed Forces report on battles for Vovchansk (photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian defenders keep most of Vovchansk under their control. They are trying to push the enemy out of the city and advance, reports Nazar Voloshyn, spokesperson for the Khortytsia operational and strategic grouping of troops.

According to him, seven military clashes took place in the north of Kharkiv region over the past day. Today, on June 8, a firefight also started at night near the town of Vovchansk, and as of the morning, it was still ongoing.

Voloshyn also noted that the Russians are dropping guided aerial bombs several times a day in the north of Kharkiv region.

“As for the city of Vovchansk, most of the city is under the control of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. They are keeping the enemy under fire control and inflicting maximum losses on them. We are trying to move forward to liberate all our territories,” added the spokesperson for the Khortytsia military unit.

Fighting for Vovchansk

The situation around Vovchansk became tense after the Russians launched their offensive on the Kharkiv region from the north.

Almost immediately, enemy soldiers entered the city, but Ukrainian defenders did not allow them to take full control. Now there is fighting for Vovchansk.

Recently, the Security Service of Ukraine detained a Russian informant who was helping the Russians prepare for the capture of Vovchansk.