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Ukrainian Armed Forces received a shipment of latest Canadian armored vehicles Senator

Ukrainian Armed Forces received a shipment of latest Canadian armored vehicles Senator Senator armored vehicles have strengthened the defensive arsenal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (photo:

Ukrainian military forces have received a shipment of the latest Canadian-made armored vehicles - Senator MRAP, according to Defence Blog.

Military personnel note that, unlike the previous version, the new armored vehicle features improved anti-mine protection, providing additional advantages when carrying out various tasks on the battlefield.

ЗСУ отримали партію новітньої канадської бронетехніки Senator: що про неї відомо

Photo: "Senator" armored vehicles have strengthened the defensive arsenal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: (

The vehicle was designed with the experience of using the Senator in the Ukrainian Defense Forces during full-scale warfare in mind.

"You feel safer knowing that there is special protection against Russian mines under your feet," said one of the soldiers currently operating the armored vehicle.

Military personnel and engineers have highly praised the new armored vehicles, with one military expert noting, "Roshel Senator MRAP is a fully war-ready transport vehicle."

Ukrainian experts emphasize that it surpasses previous models of armored vehicles based on Ford.

What is known about the new equipment

The new Senator MRAP features a V-shaped hull designed to minimize the impact of explosions. This construction has a pronounced V-shaped form that redirects the blast wave and shrapnel away from the vehicle, reducing the likelihood of severe injuries or casualties among passengers. Such a design helps absorb and dissipate the energy of the explosion, further enhancing the vehicle's resistance to blasts.

Photo: Senator armored vehicles have strengthened the defensive arsenal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. (

The Senator can withstand hits from projectiles up to 7.62×39 mm API BZ caliber at a distance of 30 meters with a velocity of 695 m/s. It can also survive the detonation of a 6-kilogram explosive charge, such as an anti-personnel mine activated when placed under any wheel or under the center of the vehicle.

The armored vehicle is designed to accommodate up to 10 passengers and offers a high level of protection against explosive devices and ambushes, ensuring the crew's safety.