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Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Russian Su-25 aircraft in Kramatorsk sector

Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Russian Su-25 aircraft in Kramatorsk sector Photo: Russian Su-25 aircraft (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Soldiers of the air defense unit of the 28th Separate Mechanised Brigade shot down another Russian Su-25 attack aircraft in Donbas, according to the Khortytskyi Wind, and the 28th Separate Mechanised Brigade named after the Knights of the Winter Campaign.

The Ukrainian military says that the Russian aircraft tried to shell the positions of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. However, Ukrainian soldiers landed the Su-25 with an accurate shot from a man-portable air defense system and now it is burning up in the steppes of Ukrainian Donbas. The incident took place in the Kramatorsk sector.

"As of today, the Russian attack aircraft has one less aircraft. Its wreckage is now decorating the Donetsk landscape. We congratulate the Knight Brigade on opening an account for the downed Russian aircraft," Khortytskyi Wind says.

The soldiers of the 28th Brigade add that the fate of the crew of the Russian aircraft is still unknown. However, the military stressed that they knew that there was one less problem for the Ukrainian infantry.

Two weeks ago, the Ukrainian Defense Forces shot down a Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber in the Kursk region of Russia. It happened at night during a combat mission.