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Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Russian remote control mining system in Pokrovsk sector

Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Russian remote control mining system in Pokrovsk sector Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Russian remote control mining system (photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian troops in the Pokrovsk sector destroyed a Russian engineering system of remote mining, according to the Khortytsia operational and strategic grouping of troops.

A unit of the control and artillery reconnaissance battery of the 47th separate mechanized brigade discovered a rare Russian complex in the Pokrovsk sector.

This system has a similar principle of operation to MLRS, but instead of “classic” missiles, the Zemledeliye system fires remote-controlled missiles.

Zemledeliye is designed to quickly create minefields at a distance of 5 to 15 km. It fires rocket-propelled munitions that ensure the placement of mines in a given area. The system lays minefields of any complexity, including those with ready-made passages for its troops.

With a single round, this system can mine an area equal to several football fields.

However, a Ukrainian unit's drop resulted in a powerful explosion that sent the enemy system flying into the air with its munition and crew.

The Russian troops lost more than a thousand soldiers in Ukraine over the past day. For more information about the losses among Russian military equipment and personnel, see RBC-Ukraine's article.