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Ukrainian Armed Forces demonstrate Oplot tank produced by Ukraine for first time

Ukrainian Armed Forces demonstrate Oplot tank produced by Ukraine for first time Photo: Oplot tank (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Ukrainian Defense Forces have demonstrated an Oplot main battle tank, which is likely to belong to one of the units of the 3rd Tank Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is being used to defend the Kharkiv region from Russia, according to Defense Express.

Although no details about the Ukrainian main battle tank are given, this is, after all, the first mention of Oplot in the combat orders of the Ukrainian Defense Forces since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. In particular, it was also mentioned quite rarely in public sources.

Ukrainian Armed Forces demonstrate Oplot tank produced by Ukraine for first timePhoto: Oplot (

In May 2023, the former head of the Ministry of Defense, Oleksii Reznikov, announced his intention to order Oplot for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and launch mass production of the vehicle.

Oplot tank

The Oplot tank is a Ukrainian main battle tank designed and manufactured by the state-owned Malyshev Plant in Kharkiv. It is a modernization of the T-84 tank and is intended to replace older tank models in the Ukrainian army.

Oplot is equipped with a powerful 125 mm smoothbore gun that provides high accuracy and is capable of hitting targets at long distances and has advanced armor that provides a high level of protection for the crew and important systems from modern weapons.

On Ukraine's Independence Day, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the first successful use of the Ukrainian drone missile Palianytsia. In particular, he announced other decisions on weapons.