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Ukrainian Armed Forces defeat Russian invaders in Toretsk sector, 3 captured

Ukrainian Armed Forces defeat Russian invaders in Toretsk sector, 3 captured Photo: Ukrainian Armed Forces defeat Russian attack aircraft in the Toretsk sector (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian troops defeated a group of Russian attack aircraft in the Toretsk sector. 3 Russian occupants were captured, according to the 28th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after the Knights of the Winter Campaign.

The video shows the combat work of the soldiers of the special battalion Shkval and the 5th Infantry Battalion. The Ukrainian defenders captured 3 Russian stormtroopers while clearing the settlement. The rest were killed in action.

After that, the Ukrainian soldiers performed an equally difficult task - evacuation. At this time, Russians were continuously shelling the settlement with artillery, although they knew about the presence of their soldiers in it.

The prisoners of war were provided with first aid. The Ukrainian soldiers waited until dusk and evacuated the Russian occupiers from under the attacks of their ‘brothers’.

Situation at front

Pokrovsk remains the most difficult area of the frontline. The Ukrainian Armed Forces say that Pokrovsk should not be considered a separate town but a part of the Vuhledar-Kurakhove-Pokrovsk route.

The situation in Pokrovsk is difficult, and residents are being asked to evacuate as soon as possible. Read more about the situation in the city in RBC-Ukraine's report.

In addition, the Russian occupants are actively attacking the Toretsk sector, the second most intense area of the frontline.

Read more about the challenges Ukraine will face in autumn in RBC-Ukraine's article.