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Ukrainian Air Force reveals new Russian tactics after losing aircraft

Ukrainian Air Force reveals new Russian tactics after losing aircraft Russian Federation changes tactics of strikes in the south after downing Su-34 aircraft (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Russian troops have taken a more balanced approach to the use of aviation after the downing of three Su-34s in the Kherson region on December 22. At the moment, some changes in the tactics of Russian strikes in the south are being recorded, according to Natalia Humeniuk, head of the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Southern Defense Forces of Ukraine.

"There is no critical change in the tactics, there is a change in the number and density of these strikes. Indeed, the Russian occupiers have become very careful about using tactical aviation, taking into account the fact that aircraft were hit in this area. And they are trying to find other launch sites so as not to endanger their aircraft," she says.

In addition, according to Humeniuk, another change in the tactical behavior of the Russians has been recorded.

"When one launches guided aerial bombs, the other tries to cover it. Previously, it was group raids and launches of the guided aerial bombs from several directions, but today we are seeing exactly this tactic," the spokeswoman adds.

Seven guided aerial bombs in a day

Russians launched seven guided missiles in the south over the last day.

"The enemy tried to hit the coastal infrastructure of the right bank, trying to stop supplies to the Ukrainian Defense Forces, which are successfully repelling the enemy's attacks on the left bank. There were 10 attacks over the last day," adds Humeniuk.

Reduction in the number of attacks

According to her, there was a decrease in the number of attacks and shelling. The occupants shelled Kherson three times, Stanislav twice, and Tyahyntsi (Beryslav district) once. Two people were wounded.

"Combat activity continued last night, but it was much calmer than the previous ones," states Humeniuk, adding that two Russian UAVs were shot down in the south of the Dnipropetrovsk region during a nighttime drone attack.

Destruction of Russian aircraft

On December 22, the Ukrainian military managed to destroy three Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers in the Kherson region in one day. On December 24, the Ukrainian Air Defense destroyed another Su-34 and one Su-30 of the Russian occupiers.

Earlier, analysts of the Institute for War Studies also confirmed that the Russian invaders, after the destruction of several fighters by the Ukrainian Defense Forces last week, slowed down their operations on the eastern coast of the Kherson region.