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Ukrainian Air Force demonstrates Skynex air defense system's work

Ukrainian Air Force demonstrates Skynex air defense system's work Photo: Skynex air defense system during firing in Ukraine (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Ukrainian military has fired from the Skynex air defense system. Germany handed over one such system in April 2024, according to the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Militarnyi.

“Servicemen of the air defense units of the West Air Command of the Air Force of Ukraine performed practical firing from the Skynex anti-aircraft artillery system,” the Ukrainian Air Force Command says in a statement.

According to Militarnyi, the footage shows how the Air Force personnel are loading a 35-mm gun with ammunition, working at the control panel, and using the optical system of the complex to record the defeat of an air target.

Skynex air defense system

Skynex is an anti-aircraft artillery system developed and manufactured by Rheinmetall. This air defense system is quite new, as it was introduced in November 2021.

The main task of Skynex is air defense. These guns are primarily used to protect important fixed military installations and critical infrastructure in particular.

Skynex air defense system during firing in Ukraine (

Skynex air defense system in Ukraine

In January, it was reported that a Skynex air defense system had been transferred to Ukraine from Germany along with other weapons as part of the announced new aid package.

Three months later, in April, Ukraine received another Skynex air defense system from Germany. Back in February 2023, it was reported that Germany would transfer two Skynex air defense systems to Ukraine.