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Ukrainian Air Force comments on possible transfer of Israeli Patriot systems to Ukraine

Ukrainian Air Force comments on possible transfer of Israeli Patriot systems to Ukraine Photo: Illia Yevlash, spokesperon for the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Currently, Ukraine is in dire need of an air defense system and missiles for them. A possible transfer of Israel's Patriot systems would be a strong signal of support from partners, according to the spokesperson of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Illia Yevlash.

Ukraine needs more air defense

Yevlash does not have information on the number and modifications of Israeli Patriots that can be transferred to Ukraine, since the Ukrainian Air Force works directly with what it already has.

In general, Ukraine urgently needs air defense systems, as well as missiles for them. Among the existing systems, as the spokesperson said, there is, for example, Hawk. They are not new as they were a development before the Patriots. The latter is a more modernized system that has proven itself and effectively resists Russian missiles, as well as UAVs.

Patriot modification PAC-2

Answering the question that Ukraine can get the Patriot modification of PAC-2, as well as missiles for them, Yevlash answers that this would help Ukrainian air defense a lot. In particular, he adds that the Ukrainian Defense Forces successfully combined old Soviet systems with modern complexes.

"Such experience probably does not exist in any country in the world... Therefore, of course, this is a rather powerful signal from partners about the support of Ukraine. It would be good if such systems arrived in the shortest possible time. Since we see the dynamics of hostilities now, the intensity and we need these systems yesterday," Yevlash notes.

Ukraine can get Israeli Patriots

Last week, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Rustem Umerov, raised the issue of the transfer of Patriot systems with his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Galant. In particular, the possible agreement also provides for the participation of the United States of America. The latter must first buy out the Israeli systems.

Read more in the RBC-Ukraine's article.