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Ukraine wants to get feedback on victory plan from partners as soon as possible

Ukraine wants to get feedback on victory plan from partners as soon as possible Andriy Yermak, Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has presented his victory plan to key Western partner states. Now Kyiv wants to get their feedback as soon as possible, says Andriy Yermak, Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

“It would be unrealistic, I think, if we received an immediate answer, because we need a very specific answer, and any specifics take time. Of course, we expect feedback as soon as possible, feedback in the form of concrete steps,” Yermak said.

According to the head of the OP, the partner countries that have already been presented with the victory plan are “deeply involved in the situation” and “understand everything.”

“The victory plan is about creating conditions for us to move forward to end the war on terms that would be acceptable to Ukraine, first and foremost... I hope that the next steps by our partners will best demonstrate their support for this plan,” he summarized.

Ukraine's victory plan

Kyiv has developed a so-called victory plan, which envisages a series of steps by partner states to ensure that Ukraine has a strong position during any negotiations with Russia, including at the Peace Summit.

At the end of September, Zelenskyy presented the victory plan to US leader Joe Biden and US presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

It was also expected that on October 12, at a meeting in the Ramstein format, the Ukrainian side would present the victory plan to all the leaders of the partner countries. However, due to the storm in the United States, the American leader canceled his trip to Germany, and the meeting was postponed.

Nevertheless, Zelenskyy visited four European capitals this week and participated in a summit with the Balkan countries. At these meetings, he also presented a plan for victory.

While in Berlin, the Ukrainian president said that he would like the war to end no later than 2025, and the victory plan, in his words, would be a bridge to an effective peace summit.