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Ukraine urges IMF to deepen isolation of Russia instead of resuming cooperation

Ukraine urges IMF to deepen isolation of Russia instead of resuming cooperation International Monetary Fund (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

During the visit of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission to Kyiv, Ukrainian authorities called for an end to any efforts to restore cooperation with Russia, urging instead for the deepening of Moscow’s isolation, according to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).

According to the report, Kyiv expressed concerns about the IMF's plans to send a mission to Russia for consultations under Article IV of the IMF agreement.

Ukrainian officials emphasized that Russia is waging an aggressive war against Ukraine, undermining international principles and rules, and exacerbating global fragmentation, the NBU stated.

"Instead of resuming cooperation with the aggressor country, it is necessary to further deepen its isolation. This is an important prerequisite for Ukraine's victory, which, in turn, is necessary to ensure global macrofinancial stability, as the IMF has repeatedly emphasized," the NBU statement reads.

Finance Minister Serhii Marchenko noted the recent news of the IMF's intention to restart its mission in Russia.

"Together with colleagues from the NBU, we have communicated Ukraine’s position on the inadmissibility of working with the aggressor state. We call for isolating the aggressor, halting any dialogue, and refusing to legitimize the Russian regime. Article IV of the IMF’s charter, or any other formal reasons, cannot justify working in Russia," Marchenko added.

In early September, news broke that the IMF was preparing to send a mission to Russia for the first time since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.