Ukraine's national fencing team wins first gold medal at 2024 Olympics

Ukrainian fencers defeated the Republic of Korea in the final of the team tournament of the 2024 Olympic Games.
Olympics 2024, fencing, saber, final, women's teams
Republic of Korea - Ukraine - 42:45
The match consisted of nine duels. Olga Kharlan, Yulia Bakastova, and Alina Komashchuk came out to defend the colors of Ukraine. This time, Olena Kravatska played the role of reserve.
After the first round of the match, the Korean fencers took the lead (15:13). After Bakastova's unsuccessful performance at the start of the second, the gap grew to six points, but Harlan reduced the deficit to -2. However, the Republic of Korea remained the leader before the final round (30:28).
The parity was maintained after Bakastova's third fight. Instead, Komashchuk lost another point to the Koreans. Thus, the Ukrainian fans were once again forced to pin all their hopes on Harlan.
The highly experienced saber fencer started strongly, equalizing the score with three accurate stabs in a row. However, Korean Jeong responded with two points. But Harlan was unstoppable. She brought Ukraine its first gold medal at the 2024 Games and the sixth Olympic medal for herself.
Ukrainian fencers at the Olympic Games
The first award for Ukraine was won by saber fencer Vladyslav Tretiak. At the 2004 Olympics in Athens, he won a bronze medal in the individual competition.
Four years later, in Beijing, the Ukrainian team won the team sabre tournament. "Halyna Pundyk, Olena Khomrova, Olha Zhovnir, and the 2024 Games winner Harlan forged the gold medal. The latter won a bronze medal in London 2012 (individual saber).
At the same Olympics, epee fencer Yana Shemiakina won gold in the individual competition. At the 2016 Games, Komashchuk, Kravatska, Harlan, and Olena Voronina won silver medals, and Harlan added an individual bronze.
Ukrainian fencers finished the Tokyo Olympics without any awards. Instead, fencer Ihor Reyzlin won a bronze medal in the individual competition.