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Ukraine's ex-MP and nationalist Iryna Farion shot dead: Versions, expertise, search for shooter

Ukraine's ex-MP and nationalist Iryna Farion shot dead: Versions, expertise, search for shooter Iryna Farion (Getty Images)

On July 19, an unknown shot Ukraine's former MP Iryna Farion, who later died in hospital. The search for the shooter continues, and the police already have several versions.

RBC-Ukraine has collected everything known about Farion's murder as of the morning of July 20.

Attempt on Farion's life and death in the hospital

On July 19, an unknown person attempted to assassinate former MP Iryna Farion near her home in Lviv. She was immediately hospitalized with a head wound and operated on, but she later died. According to the mayor of Lviv, doctors did everything possible, but the injury was incompatible with life.

After Farion's death, the case was reclassified as premeditated murder. This article provides for a penalty of imprisonment for up to 15 years.

Investigation: First details

Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko held a briefing, speaking about steps during the first few hours of the investigation.

According to him, almost the entire Lviv police and part of the Lviv regional police are involved in the investigation of Iryna Farion's murder. Teams from Kyiv, headed by the deputy head of the National Police and the deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine, were also working at the scene.

Murder was being prepared

Klymenko said that the shooter was preparing in advance.

“This is not a spontaneous murder. Time will tell whether he was preparing for two weeks or a week,” he said.


The main versions of the crime are public and political activity, personal hatred. Investigators are also checking other versions and motives for the crime, including a contract killing.

Russian trace

According to the minister, the Russian trace is not ruled out.

“We are analyzing all rumors, checking all information, including the information that was transmitted through pro-Russian Telegram channels,” he said.

What is known about the shooter and the weapon used to shoot Farion

According to Klymenko, the investigation also found out that the suspect had been staying near Iryna Farion's house for several days.

“Nothing is known about this man at the moment. We are trying to find out who these people were, or if it was a person. Indeed, we can confirm that for several days this person was wearing the clothes you saw in the media. This person was indeed near Iryna Farion's house at a certain time,” Klymenko said.

Speaking about the weapon used to shoot Farion, Klymenko said: “We know the caliber. The cartridge case was found. After the autopsy, after the forensic examination, we will have additional information, but everything takes time.”