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Ukraine's defense forces control entire length of border with Belarus - State Border Guard Service

Ukraine's defense forces control entire length of border with Belarus - State Border Guard Service Andrii Demchenko, spokesman for the State Border Guard Service (
Author: Maria Kholina

All components of Ukraine's Defense Forces are in full control of the border with Belarus. This direction remains threatening, and Ukraine continues to strengthen its defensive capabilities along the border, according to the spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service, Andrii Demchenko.

"Regarding the border with Belarus, a country that continues to support Russia in the war, the situation remains fully under control. All components of Ukraine's Defense Forces—the border guards, the Armed Forces, and the National Guard—control the entire length of the border with Belarus," he said.

At the same time, Demchenko emphasized that no violations or unusual incidents have been recorded in this direction.


The leader of the Belarusian regime, Alexander Lukashenko, accused Ukraine of violating Belarus' airspace. He claimed that Ukrainian drones had allegedly entered Belarusian territory, where they were destroyed by air defense forces.

Lukashenko also threatened to respond to such "provocations" and ordered the redeployment of troops and equipment, including Polonez multiple rocket launchers and Iskander missile systems, to the border areas of Gomel and Mozyr.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian border guards report that they have not observed any changes at the Belarusian border, particularly regarding the movement of military equipment.