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Ukraine's allies form drone coalition fund with €45 million contribution

Ukraine's allies form drone coalition fund with €45 million contribution Photo: Ukraine's allies have created a drone coalition fund (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Partners of Ukraine, who are part of the drone coalition, have created a joint fund. The funds will be used for the joint procurement of drones for Ukrainian defenders, according to the British Ministry of Defence's press service.

According to the Ministry, members of the drone coalition signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) yesterday, July 10, outlining the main directions of the coalition's activities, management structure, and procurement mechanisms.

"With this MoU we establish the UK-led Drone Coalition Common Fund enabling joint procurement for rapid and efficient drone deliveries," clarified the Ministry of Defence.

As of now, the Netherlands, the UK, Latvia, New Zealand, and Sweden have committed to contributing over €45 million to the fund. Other contributions are also expected.

The British Ministry emphasized that the coalition plans to deliver one million FPV drones to Ukraine. Coalition members are also working on supplying other types of drones, including reconnaissance, strike, and AI-upgraded drones.

Drone coalition

It should be noted that Ukraine's allies formed the drone coalition this year to provide Ukrainian defenders with drones to protect from Russian forces.

The coalition is led by Latvia and the UK. Specifically, Latvia is providing industry and military testing grounds for drones to continuously improve drone technology.

Meanwhile, the UK announced a competition for the development and procurement of first-person view (FPV) drones, with 265 applications already received.