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Ukraine returns another 10 children from occupied territory

Ukraine returns another 10 children from occupied territory Illustrative photo: Ukraine has brought back another 10 children from the occupied territory (Getty Images)

Ukraine has brought back another ten children to the controlled territory. They had been in the occupied part of the Kherson region, according to the Telegram channel of the Head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration, Oleksandr Prokudin.

According to him, the children, along with their parents and guardians, had been living in the temporarily occupied part of the Kherson region.

"Fortunately, the children are now on free land. There are seven boys and three girls. The youngest is 3 years old, and the oldest is 16," Prokudin wrote.

He reminded that the return of children is always a complex process. A team from the charity organization Save Ukraine worked on the return.

"I am sincerely grateful that more of our children are safe. Since the beginning of 2024, 202 children from the Kherson region have been returned to Ukrainian-controlled territory," he emphasized.

What preceded it

Ukraine is continuously working on returning its children from occupied territories. For example, at the end of August, it was reported that five families, raising eight children, had returned from occupation.

On August 22, six Ukrainian families with 12 children were also returned from occupation.