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Ukraine recognizes Israel and Palestine, commits to ending conflict - Zelenskyy

Ukraine recognizes Israel and Palestine, commits to ending conflict - Zelenskyy President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukraine recognizes both Israel and Palestine and will do everything to end the conflict in the Middle East, says President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the Shangri-La Dialogue conference in Singapore.

He says that Ukraine recognizes Israel's right to self-defense, as it did in October 2023 during the Hamas attack.

Ukraine said on the first day of the attack on Israeli civilians that if Hamas terrorists attack civilians, Israel has the right to defend itself, the president said.

Zelenskyy also stresses that Ukraine is ready to help Gaza with humanitarian aid to avoid a crisis. Ukraine is also ready to work to end the conflict.

"... Ukraine recognizes two states, both Israel and Palestine, and will do everything to make sure that Israel stops, that this conflict ends, and that civilians do not suffer," the head of state added.

Conflict in the Middle East

In October 2023, Hamas terrorists attacked Israel from the Gaza Strip. Israel responded by launching a military operation, pushing the militants from its territory and entering Gaza.

The operation is still ongoing. Israel started fighting in the city of Rafah, although the international community called to end the offensive on the city.