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Ukraine receives ammunition funded by tens of thousands of Slovaks

Ukraine receives ammunition funded by tens of thousands of Slovaks Illustrative photo: Ukraine received ammunition from Slovak donors (Getty Images)

Artillery shells worth 4 million euros have been delivered to Ukraine. The funds for the purchase of ammunition were raised by 70,000 Slovaks, Noviny informs.

The initiator of the fundraising for ammunition for Ukraine, Fedor Blaščák, reported that six trucks delivered 122 tons of ammunition to a logistics warehouse, from where they were picked up by Ukraine.

This fundraising began after the Slovak government refused to participate in transferring funds to Czechia for the purchase of shells for Ukraine.

The entire process, from the start of fundraising to the delivery of shells to Ukraine, took about 4-5 months.

"Some may consider 4-5 months a long time, but for supplying military equipment and ammunition, it’s a record period. Each unit of ammunition had to be checked, which required a lot of paperwork," Blaščák explained.

He also noted that there are still 500,000 euros left from the fundraising, which will be used to purchase shells for grenade launchers, expected to be provided by the end of the year.

What preceded this

In April, it was announced that Slovaks had begun fundraising for ammunition for Ukraine. Within the first few days, they managed to raise several hundred thousand euros.

In just a few weeks, they accumulated over 4 million euros.

At that time, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico sharply criticized this initiative, claiming he had nothing to say to those who believe that shells and bombs are more important than "cancer patients in Slovakia."