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Ukraine receives all West-promised air defense systems, but there's a catch

Ukraine receives all West-promised air defense systems, but there's a catch Ukraine receives all West-promised air defense systems (wikimedia org)

Ukraine received the entire range of promised air defense systems as agreed with Western partners. However, there is a need for more of these systems in terms of quantity, according to Yurii Ihnat, a spokesperson for the Air Force Command of Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In his opinion, Ukraine requires more systems like the Patriot, SAMP/T, IRIS-T, and NASAMS to protect the country and defend against potential enemy attacks.

"We have received almost all the air defense systems we were promised from the West, one of the best in the world. However, the word 'all' needs to be distinguished between received and the quantity," he noted.

According to Ihnat, two Patriot batteries are not enough for Ukraine.

"The Patriot system is capable of intercepting ballistic missiles and Kinzhals, as it already proved. Ukraine needs a significantly larger quantity of such systems, alongside Patriot, we need SAMP/T, IRIS-T, and NASAMS in sufficient numbers," he explained.

He also highlighted the need for armament against Shahed drones that Russia regularly launches at Ukraine.

"Today, we need to focus not only on the mentioned systems, both for the Air Force and the Ground Forces air defense. Systems like Terrahawk Paladin, for instance, are what's needed to effectively destroy Shaheds. Their numbers are increasing. Russia has established production on its territory, and we need such tools to automatically destroy these targets with a 100% success rate," Ihnat added.

Attack on Ukraine on November 6

On the evening and night of November 6, Russia once again attacked Ukraine, targeting cities such as Odesa and Kherson. The enemy used missiles such as the Kh-59 and Iskander-M, as well as Oniks and kamikaze drones. Ukraine's air defense systems successfully intercepted 15 attack drones, Shahed-136/131, out of the 22 launched by the enemy, as well as one guided aviation missile Kh-59 out of six, which included four types - Kh-31, Kh-59, Oniks, and Iskander.

During the attacks, eight people were injured in Odesa.