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Ukraine Peace Summit participants have clear stance on communiqué that is open to all - Zelenskyy's Office

Ukraine Peace Summit participants have clear stance on communiqué that is open to all - Zelenskyy's Office Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

There is a clear position among the participants of the Peace Summit in Switzerland on the joint communiqué. Everyone will be able to support it, including those countries that are not participating in the summit, according to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak.

He responds to Swiss media reports that the joint communiqué has not yet been agreed upon, and debates continue among the participants on some elements of the text.

"There is a clear position on the communiqué, it has been circulated among the participants. We expect that most countries will join it. Even those countries that did not come to this summit will be able to join it. Very soon we will see the list of countries that have joined this communiqué. But these processes require harmonization until the last minute, but there are no global issues because we have a clear position,” Yermak said.

As he explained, it will be enough for countries and their leaders to make an official statement of support to join the joint communiqué.

Peace Summit in Switzerland

Today, on June 15, the Global Peace Summit, organized by Ukraine with the support of the Swiss side, starts in Switzerland. 101 countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation in the summit.

It will last for two days (June 15-16), during which participants will discuss three elements of the Ukrainian Peace Formula. These are humanitarian, food, and nuclear security issues. They will discuss returning prisoners of war and Ukrainian children abducted by Russia.

As President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in his opening speech, everything that will be agreed upon at the summit in Switzerland will be part of the peacemaking process.

Read more about the Ukraine Peace Summit in RBC-Ukraine's article.