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Ukraine passes list of targets for ATACMS deep strikes on Russia to US

Ukraine passes list of targets for ATACMS deep strikes on Russia to US Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov (photo: Getty Images)

The United States believes that many of Ukraine's high-value targets in Russia are outside the scope of ATACMS. However, Ukraine has already provided the United States with a list of targets, says the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov.

Speaking ahead of the meeting between Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Umerov, Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said that many of Ukraine's high-value targets in Russia are outside the range of ATACMS.

He noted that the Russian military has moved its high-value military assets far from the front line.

However, Umerov dismissed such assessments, saying that Ukraine has provided the US with a list of targets on which it will use ATACMS.

“We are showing that the airfields that they are using to hit our cities are within the range of deep strikes,” the Defense Minister said.

Umerov said that Ukraine is seeking to lift the ATACMS restrictions to protect Ukrainian civilians and infrastructure.

“They’re killing our citizens. That’s why we want to deter them, we want to stop them, we don’t want to allow their aviation to come closer to our borders to bomb the cities,” he said.

Yesterday RBC-Ukraine turned to a military expert to find out what could be behind the West's ban on missile strikes against Russia.