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Ukraine may even surpass Russia in drone numbers - Commander of Unmanned Systems Forces

Ukraine may even surpass Russia in drone numbers - Commander of Unmanned Systems Forces Photo: Vadym Sukharevskyi, commander of the Unmanned Systems Forces (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Ukrainian army is likely surpassing Russia in the number of drones, according to the Commander of the Unmanned Systems Forces, Vadym Sukharevskyi.

"Just in the first two quarters of this year, we have delivered six times more drones to the troops than in the entire last year. This is a joint victory of both the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense," said Sukharevskyi.

According to him, Ukraine is superior in drone production, as it has a significant variety of maneuverable drones.

"We have over 165 different types of developments that are being tested and used on the battlefield. In terms of the number of drones, we are not losing, and we may even be winning," he emphasized.

Unmanned Systems Forces in Ukraine

At the beginning of June, the Ministry of Defense announced the creation of a new branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - the Unmanned Systems Forces. Colonel Vadym Sukharevskyi was appointed as the commander.

Since the beginning of this year, drone production in Ukraine has significantly increased. This year, the plan is to produce and deliver one million FPV drones to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. For a detailed analysis of whether such a number of drones can change the situation on the front line, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.