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Ukraine launches serial production of drones with over 1,000 km range

Ukraine launches serial production of drones with over 1,000 km range Photo: General Director of Ukroboronprom Herman Smetanin (ukroboronprom com ua)

Ukraine has launched serial production of strike drones with a range of over 1,000 kilometers, reports the CEO of Ukroboronprom, Herman Smetanin, in an interview with ArmyInform.

"Over a relatively short period of time, we have developed and launched into serial production our own long-range strike drones. Currently, they are targeting strategic enemy objects at distances exceeding 1,000 kilometers," he said.

According to the director of Ukroboronprom, copying Russia's approaches to such production is not worthwhile. He noted that Ukraine has become "non-linear and innovative" in drone manufacturing.

"Russia has enormous resources and an overpowered industry, so blindly copying its approach makes no sense. We must be more flexible and inventive. In time, David realized that fighting Goliath with Goliath's own methods was a flawed idea. Ultimately, he chose the weapon that could bring victory and wielded it skillfully," added Smetanin.

Ukrainian drones

During the war, Ukraine expanded production of various types of drones, including long-range ones. Additionally, Ukraine has started producing maritime drones, namely the unmanned strike platforms Sea Baby and Magura V5.

Recently, it became known that Sea Baby has been equipped with Grad systems.

For more details on Magura and Sea Baby and how they are disrupting the Russian fleet, read the material on RBC-Ukraine.