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Ukraine has right to military actions in Kursk region - Finnish President

Ukraine has right to military actions in Kursk region - Finnish President Photo: President of Finland Alexander Stubb (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukraine has every right to conduct military operations in the Kursk region, given the current situation and developments. Finland sees no reason to restrict it in this, according to said Finnish President Alexander Stubb.

He reminds that Russia is constantly shelling Ukraine and has occupied almost 20% of its territory, which is why it has every right to defend itself as it advances deeper into the Kursk region.

"Ukraine is defending itself in the Kursk direction, having penetrated some 30-40 kilometers deep into the country, and they (Ukrainians - ed.) have every right to do so. We see no reason to restrict the activities of Ukrainians," he says.

Stubb also says that Ukraine has the right to use Finnish weapons on the territory of Russia.

"We have no restrictions on what weapons Ukraine can use and in what way," he says.

The President of Finland adds that the reason for this decision is that Ukraine has every right to defend itself against Russian aggression under international law.

Ukrainian Armed Forces' operation in Kursk region

On 6 August, an unexpected border breakthrough occurred in the Kursk region, as a result of which the Russian army lost control of part of its territory. Within a week, the Ukrainian military took control of 74 settlements.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry explains that this operation not only complicates the logistics of the Russian occupiers but also helps the home front.

Recently, the head of the Bundestag committee, Markus Faber, said that the Kursk breakthrough lays the groundwork for negotiations with the successor to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Against the backdrop of recent events, Germany has allowed Ukraine to use the transferred German weapons at its discretion.

The Pentagon believes that the breakthrough of the border in the Kursk region is not a military escalation. The Prime Minister of Poland called Ukraine's operation in this Russian region defensive.