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Ukraine downs Russian new Eleron T-16 drone for the first time: video

Ukraine downs Russian new Eleron T-16 drone for the first time: video Ukraine downs Russian new Eleron T-16 drone for the first time (Getty Images)

Today, on August 8th, Ukrainian forces could successfully shoot down an advanced Russian drone - Eleron T-16 - in the Kharkiv region. This marks the first time such a drone downed since the full-scale invasion, according to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

A special unit from the 15th Mobile Border Patrol Group used a regular anti-drone weapon to bring down Eleron T-16, which is a new Russian drone model.

"As they say, 'there are no analogs,'" said the border guard on the pseudonym Elephant, hinting at Russian usual propaganda formulas.

Ukraine downs Russian new Eleron T-16 drone for the first time: video(

Fighting enemy drones

Yesterday, Ukrainian defenders neutralized an enemy reconnaissance drone in the Avdiiivka area (Donetsk region).

Also, on Friday, August 4, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed two enemy drones in two regions.