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Ukraine demands that Hague Tribunal obligate Russia to dismantle Kerch Bridge

Ukraine demands that Hague Tribunal obligate Russia to dismantle Kerch Bridge Photo: Kerch Bridge (Getty Images)

Ukraine presented its case during oral hearings concerning coastal state rights in the Black and Azov Seas and the Kerch Strait, urging the tribunal to order Russia to dismantle the Kerch Bridge, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Today, on October 3, Deputy Agent of Ukraine Oksana Zolotaryova concluded her speech at the Arbitration Tribunal. She stated that Ukraine has an extremely important request for the future of the Sea of Azov, the Kerch Strait, and the Black Sea.

"The Tribunal must order Russia to dismantle and remove the so-called Kerch Bridge. Dismantling the bridge is the only way to restore passage for the vessels of all countries who used the Strait in the past, and the vessels that are anticipated to use the Strait in the future," Zolotaryova emphasized.

According to her, since Russia illegally built this bridge, it must remove it to ensure passage through the Kerch Strait following international law.

"Russia should do so in conformity with its other UNCLOS obligations to protect the marine environment and underwater cultural heritage," Zolotaryova underscored.

Kerch Bridge

After the occupation of Crimea in 2014, Russia illegally built the Kerch Bridge, which connects the peninsula with the mainland of Russia.

For Ukraine, the Kerch Bridge is a legitimate target for strikes, which have already been carried out twice by the Defense Forces.

However, none of the strikes have destroyed the bridge. In recent months, the Russians have been actively reinforcing the crossing, as they prepare for an attack on the Kerch Bridge.