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Ukraine blanketed in Sahara dust: Meteorologists warn of danger

Ukraine blanketed in Sahara dust: Meteorologists warn of danger Photo: Dusty weather in Ukraine on April 1 (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Dust from the Sahara has arrived in Ukraine. It can be harmful to people with respiratory diseases, the elderly, and children, according to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

According to weather forecasters, the dust was brought by a warm wave from the western Mediterranean, which has caused abnormally warm weather in the country in recent days.

"Residents of the western region could observe it (dust - ed.) yesterday, and today it will spread to most regions of Ukraine. The sky will be dim," the statement says.

Ukrainians were urged to close their windows and warned about the dangers of dust for people with respiratory diseases, the elderly, and children.

Ukraine blanketed in Sahara dust: Meteorologists warn of dangerPhoto: map of dust distribution in Ukraine (

Weather in April 2024 in Ukraine

According to weather forecaster Volodymyr Derkach, in early April, Ukraine will be warm and the sky will be clear.

In general, the weather in spring 2024 in Ukraine will be warm and humid. Warming periods are expected, but there will be a lot of rain. Wet snow and frosts are also possible.