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Ukraine and Moldova discuss returning draft dodgers who fled there

Ukraine and Moldova discuss returning draft dodgers who fled there Ukraine's Ambassador to Moldova Marko Shevchenko ( video screenshot)
Author: Maria Kholina

Kyiv is discussing with official Chișinău the return of Ukrainian draft dodgers who left the country illegally and are staying in Moldova. Some of these escapees, who Moldovan border guards intercepted, are granted asylum in Moldova, according to Ukraine’s ambassador to Moldova, Marko Shevchenko.

Shevchenko mentioned that Kyiv is in "certain dialogue" with Chișinău regarding the return of draft-age Ukrainians who fled to Moldova.

According to the ambassador, some of the escapees intercepted by Moldovan border guards are granted asylum in Moldova, while others "disappear to unclear destinations." They are not detained, so they likely either remain in Moldova or travel to other countries. There are no exact statistics on the number of such individuals.

"When I talk to colleagues, I say that if we cannot solve a big problem, it's better to solve smaller ones individually – what to do with people whom Moldova has denied asylum," Shevchenko said.

Draft-age men fleeing Ukraine

Due to the full-scale Russian invasion, Ukraine is under martial law. Specifically, draft-age men are prohibited from leaving the country, with a few exceptions.

Recently, the Moldovan border police detained a man involved in organizing a scheme for the illegal migration of Ukrainian citizens to European Union countries. The suspect was part of a criminal group.

Earlier, it was reported that Ukrainian and Moldovan special services jointly dismantled a criminal group specializing in organizing illegal migration. The perpetrators charged €4,000 per migrant for their services.

Before this, law enforcement officers uncovered an Odesa police officer and his accomplice involved in the illegal transfer of conscripts to Moldova.