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UK imposes new sanctions against Russians linked to Wagner Group

UK imposes new sanctions against Russians linked to Wagner Group UK imposes new sanctions against Russians linked to Wagner Group (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: RBC Ukraine

According to the British government, on Thursday, July 20, the United Kingdom has expanded sanctions against Russian individuals associated with the Wagner Group.

As part of the economic sanctions, the UK targeted the Central African Republic, Sudan, and Mali regimes. Several companies and individuals from Russia and Belarus were also included in the list due to their connections with Wagner, the private military company.

Among those affected, sanctions were introduced against Ivan Maslov, who leads Wagner mercenaries in Mali.

Vitali Perfilev, officially an advisor to the President of the Central African Republic, and overseeing Wagner's activities in the country, was also added to the list.

Additionally, the UK imposed sanctions on Russians Konstantin Pikalov, Andriy Mandel, Mikhail Potepkin, Aleksandr Maloletko, Aleksandr Ivanov, and Belarusian Dmitry Syty.

Furthermore, the sanctions were extended to companies such as "M-Invest," Lobaye Invest SARLU, Meroe Gold, Sewa Security Services, and Alsolag Mining Co Ltd.

Wagner Group after a coup

Recalling recent events, in late June, the leader of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, attempted a coup against the Russian military leadership. However, the coup was quashed within a day, yielding no significant results.

Following the coup attempt, Prigozhin and some of the Wagner mercenaries sought refuge in Belarus, where they are currently residing in a tent camp.

British intelligence emphasizes that the Kremlin has yet to determine the final fate of the Wagner Group members. Some of them may return to the frontlines, while others might resume their activities in Africa.