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Britain highlights importance of joint production of fighter jets with Italy and Japan

Britain highlights importance of joint production of fighter jets with Italy and Japan Photo: British Prime Minister Keir Starmer (getty images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer underscored the significance of the joint fighter jet program with Italy and Japan, following speculation that his new government might withdraw from the initiative, according to Reuters.

Starmer is in Rome on an official visit, where he met with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The discussions covered defense matters, including the two countries' participation in the Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP), known in Britain as Tempest.

"We agreed on the vital importance of our collaborative defense programs, including GCAP, for our shared national security interests and respective defense industrial capabilities, and we welcome the continued progress we are making," the leaders said in a joint declaration after the meeting.

Amid speculation that Britain's involvement in GCAP might be reviewed during a defense review, Starmer emphasized the importance of the program in July but did not guarantee continued participation.

On Monday, Starmer noted that the project was mentioned several times today during his meeting with the head of defense firm Leonardo (LDOF.MI), which is involved in the GCAP fighter jet project and announced a £435 million ($574.5 million) investment in its UK operations.

Earlier reports indicated that by the end of 2024, Ukraine will receive another batch of F-16 fighter jets from Denmark. The exact date and number of aircraft in the new shipment remain classified for operational security reasons.