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U.S. calls on Israel to change fighting tactics in Gaza Strip

U.S. calls on Israel to change fighting tactics in Gaza Strip National Security Advisor to the U.S. President Jake Sullivan (photo: Getty Images)

The United States is calling on Israel to change the tactics of fighting in the Gaza Strip and focus on targeted strikes on the leaders of the Hamas militants, states Jake Sullivan, according to Reuters.

"There will be a transition to another phase of this war, one that is focused in more precise ways on targeting the leadership and on intelligence-driven operations," said Sullivan.

According to him, the discussions between the United States and Israel are still ongoing about the terms and conditions of the transition to new tactics of fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Sullivan also emphasized that he discussed the timing of the transition to the new tactics in his meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the military cabinet, and the leaders of the Israeli army.

In turn, several senior officials told Reuters that a less tense phase in the Gaza Strip should begin in the coming weeks.

War between Israel and Hamas

Hamas militants invaded Israel in early October. Soon, the Israeli army launched Operation Iron Swords.

On November 24, a temporary truce began between Israel and Hamas for the release of prisoners. In addition, the parties agreed on a ceasefire for four days and then managed to extend it for another two days, on the condition that the militants release most of the hostages.

On December 1, Israel resumed hostilities in the Gaza Strip. The country's Ministry of Defense said that Hamas militants had violated the terms of the ceasefire.

On December 14, the White House said that the United States of America wants the war between Israel and Hamas to end as soon as possible. On the same day, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that Israel's war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip would take more than a few months.