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Tu-95 and Tu-160 bombers possibly present during Engels airbase attack: Satellite images

Tu-95 and Tu-160 bombers possibly present during Engels airbase attack: Satellite images Illustrative photo: Tu-95s could have been present at Engels airfield at the time of the attack (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Explosions were heard in the area of the Engels airbase early on September 17. Several strategic bombers, including Tu-95 and Tu-160, may have been present at the base, according to Defense Express.

The outlet noted the appearance of a satellite image of the Engels airbase in the Saratov region, taken on September 15. According to Defense Express, the image shows four Tu-95MS strategic bombers and two Tu-160 bombers. Additionally, the silhouettes of two Tu-160s and one transport aircraft, likely an An-12, are visible.

As Defense Express states, during the explosions on September 17, likely caused by a Ukrainian drone attack, such strategic aviation could still have been present at the airbase.

Journalists point out that the four Tu-95MS pose a significant threat as they can carry up to 32 long-range missiles, which Russia often uses to attack Ukraine.


Explosions were heard near the Engels airbase earlier today, on September 17. Witnesses reported that a fire broke out afterward, with videos and photos circulating online.

Notably, explosions have occurred at the Engels airbase multiple times before, as Ukrainian defenders launched drones at the military facility. For example, such an incident was recorded on July 27.

On that same day, according to RBC-Ukraine sources, a Tu-22M3 bomber was damaged at the Olenya airbase