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Try this fruit before going to bed for perfect sleep

Try this fruit before going to bed for perfect sleep What fruit will help you sleep well at night (photo: Freepik)

Pineapple is not just a delicious fruit, but also a natural source of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness cycles. Just one slice of this juicy fruit an hour and a half before bedtime will help promote deeper and better rest, reports Mirror.

Why pineapple acts as a sleeping pill

The fruit is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can increase melatonin levels by up to 240%, helping to regulate circadian rhythms and promote restful sleep.

Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally produced by the brain when it gets dark, and it plays a crucial role in synchronizing our internal clock or sleep-wake cycle.

A study conducted by Thai universities found that of the 15 tropical fruits analyzed, pineapple contains one of the highest concentrations of melatonin (68,092 ng/g dry weight). Combined with the content of serotonin and tryptophan - compounds that affect mood and rest - pineapple becomes a natural weapon against insomnia.

Other foods that promote sleep

While pineapple is a great choice for naturally boosting melatonin levels, it's not the only option.

Foods such as eggs and fish contain this hormone. You should also eat walnuts, some types of mushrooms, whole grains, and legumes.

These foods not only improve sleep but also provide essential nutrients for overall health.

Pineapple is more than just a bedtime treat. Packed with vitamin C, manganese, and bromelain, this tropical fruit strengthens the immune system and acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from oxidative stress. Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, promoting tissue repair and reducing pain after injuries.

Read also about 10 symptoms of poor sleep that you should never ignore.

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