Trump's scandalous statement: State Department pointed out important detail

The United States not only funds NATO but also receives significant support from the Alliance. The only time NATO defended a member country happened to be the events in the United States - the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, according to US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.
"You heard the President speak to this over the weekend and make clear that any suggestion that encouraging Russia to invade our allies and partners are dangerous, and I would obviously echo that from here," he said.
Miller emphasized that NATO provides real security for the American people.
"This isn't just a benefit – this isn't just an Alliance that the United States puts into; we also get a lot out of this Alliance. And the only time that NATO has ever come to the defense of one of its member countries, it was coming to the defense of the United States after 9/11," added the State Department representative.
At the same time, when asked how much the former president's statement harmed, Miller declined to comment.
"I don't think I should comment on remarks made in the political context," he stated.
Trump's statement
On February 10 in South Carolina, Trump said he would not defend NATO members from a Russian attack if their contribution to the defense Alliance were insufficient.
"No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You've got to pay. You got to pay your bills," said Trump.
These statements prompted backlash from the White House, which called them "appalling and unhinged.," as well as from other senior Western officials. In particular, US President Joe Biden called Donald Trump a "useful lackey" of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.
September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attack
A series of attacks by Al-Qaeda terrorists, during which four passenger planes were hijacked, two of which were directed into two towers located in the southern part of Manhattan in New York City. The skyscrapers collapsed. In addition to the 19 terrorists, the attacks claimed the lives of 2,977 people, with another 24 missing. Most of the victims were civilians. The terrorist attack became the deadliest in history in terms of casualties.
The consequences of these attacks included NATO military operations against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as the intervention of US and allied forces in Iraq.