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Trump's ally J.D. Vance refuses to call Putin enemy

Trump's ally J.D. Vance refuses to call Putin enemy Ohio Senator and vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance (photo: Getty Images)

US Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance refused to call Russian leader Vladimir Putin an enemy. He also called for negotiations with Russia, reports NBC News.

In particular, the journalist asked Vance whether he sees Putin as an ally or an enemy, to which the Republican said that he is a competitor.

“I think that he’s clearly an adversary. He is a competitor. But I think that we also have to be smart about diplomacy, too. Just because we don’t like somebody, doesn’t mean that we can’t occasionally engage in conversations with them,” he said.

He also emphasized that negotiations with the Russian Federation are an integral part of ending the war in Ukraine.

“I think it’s important if we’re ever going to end the war in Ukraine, fundamentally, at some level, we’re going to have to engage in some sort of negotiation between Ukraine, between Russia, between our NATO allies in Europe. And that’s just a necessary part,” the Republican said.

Yesterday, the Republican vice presidential candidate, Senator J.D. Vance, made a new statement about the war in Ukraine. In particular, he spoke about territorial concessions, namely, whether Ukraine will have to make them.

“I honestly think that the Ukrainians are going to have to make that decision themselves,” he said.