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Trump repeatedly praised Hitler, says former White House chief of staff

Trump repeatedly praised Hitler, says former White House chief of staff Photo: Donald Trump, former US President (Getty Images)

Former US President Donald Trump has repeatedly praised Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, and admires people who are dictators, says former White House chief of staff John Kelly.

According to Axios, in a series of interviews with The New York Times, Kelly expressed concern that Trump would rule as a dictator if elected next month. In his opinion, the Republican presidential candidate fits the definition of a fascist, adding that Trump does not understand history or the Constitution.

Kelly stated in the interview that Trump once told him, "Hitler did some good things." Furthermore, the former chief of staff emphasized that he could confirm previous reports that Trump had repeatedly spoken positively about the Nazi leader.

"Certainly the former president is in the far-right area, he's certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators — he has said that. So he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure," Kelly said.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement sent via email that Kelly had "totally beclowned himself with these debunked stories he has fabricated."

The Axios article also mentioned several other statements by the former White House chief of staff regarding German generals around Hitler and the American soldiers who died in World War I. In response, the media added that Trump’s campaign had previously denied that the Republican candidate had ever made such comments.

Earlier, in May, Trump released a video on social media that referenced the "unified Reich" as a potential outcome if he won the election. In response, US President Joe Biden and his team criticized this strange act by their opponent.