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Trump proposes using military against internal enemy on Election Day

Trump proposes using military against internal enemy on Election Day US presidential candidate Donald Trump (photo: Getty Images)

US presidential candidate Donald Trump has proposed deploying the military on Election Day to combat what he calls the internal enemy. He stated that his concern is not the chaos from his supporters or foreign actors but rather the radical left lunatics, reports CNN.

During an interview with Fox News, Trump identified people within the US as a major problem. He stated that the country has bad and sick individuals.

"I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people. Radical left lunatics. I think it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen," Trump said.

At the same time, he downplayed the threat posed by his supporters when asked if he expected chaos on Election Day.

When the host mentioned that the Department of Justice had arrested and charged an Afghan national allegedly planning a terrorist attack on Election Day, as well as discussing the threat from external agitators and illegal immigrants, Trump shifted the conversation to leftist political opponents.

"I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people that have come in and destroying our country, by the way, totally destroying our country, the towns, the villages, they’re being inundated," Trump said, referring to immigrants.

In response, the campaign team of US Vice President Kamala Harris seized on the former president's comments, stating that Trump's words should concern every American.

US election

The US election is set to take place in just a few weeks on November 5. The main candidates for the presidency are former President Donald Trump (Republican Party) and current Vice President Kamala Harris (Democratic Party).

A day earlier, it was reported that according to polls, Trump is improving his chances of victory, while Harris is losing her lead.