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Trump is a threat to democracy, Biden

Trump is a threat to democracy, Biden U.S. President Joe Biden (Photo:GettyImages)

U.S. President Joe Biden said at a political fundraiser on Monday that former President Donald Trump is a threat to U.S. democracy, according to Reuters.

Biden referred to Trump's statement that he would be a dictator for one day if elected in 2024.

"The other day he said he wants to be a dictator only on one day, wipe out the civil servants and a whole range of other things," Biden told donors at a campaign event in Philadelphia. "He embraces political violence instead of rejecting it. We can’t let that happen."White House spokesman Andrew Bates said that Biden "has worked to defend American democracy and bring people of all political persuasions together against these unprecedented threats," without mentioning Trump by name.

"And I want to say it is wrong to suspend the Constitution and abuse federal power to persecute critics and trample the First Amendment," Bates added while speaking on Air Force One as Biden flew to Philadelphia.

Previously, we wrote that Trump promised to be a dictator after winning the election. But there is an exception.

By the way, the EU fears that Trump's coming to power could destroy NATO.

We also reported that Biden assessed Trump's chances of winning the election.