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Trump asked Putin on Ukraine weapons at first meeting: NYT reports

Trump asked Putin on Ukraine weapons at first meeting: NYT reports Photo: Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump (Getty Images)

During the 2017 G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin held their first in-person meeting. The leaders discussed key global political issues, including Ukraine's role in international relations, reports The New York Times.

Former US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson revealed that Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to convince Donald Trump of Ukraine's negative aspects, labeling it as a corrupt and fabricated country.

Putin emphasized that Russia has a right to influence Ukraine, citing its historical past and the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine. During discussions about possible US support for Ukraine, Trump suggested Putin consider allowing American arms supplies to Ukraine, but Putin responded negatively, warning, "it would be a mistake."

Although Trump entered the meeting with hawkish positions prepared by his advisors, he struggled to counter Putin's arguments effectively. This meeting was a key moment in understanding Trump’s evolving foreign policy stance toward Ukraine, which proved controversial and often faced criticism.

Trump's political stance on Ukraine became a central issue of his presidency, notably influencing his later meetings with Putin and contributing to the controversies surrounding the impeachment investigation related to his 2019 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The current events during the 2024 presidential campaign once again highlight Trump’s attitude toward Ukraine and his broader foreign policy perspectives.

Zelensky-Trump meeting

On September 27, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with US presidential candidate Donald Trump from the Republican Party. The talks took place at Trump Tower in New York.

Read more about the Zelenskyy-Trump meeting and its background in RBC-Ukraine’s detailed report.