Toughest zodiac signs to handle stress revealed

Stress and loss are always difficult emotions that require significant self-work. However, unlike those who manage to cope quickly and confidently move on, there are Zodiac signs for whom such situations pose a real challenge.
Collective World, discusses the astrological signs that find it hard to deal with stress.
Tauruses have certain established norms regarding their daily lives. Adhering to a strict schedule helps them adapt to various conditions. The disruption of their sense of predictability is a true catastrophe for them. Each time they experience grief or stress, it feels as though the world around them has collapsed, and they must start everything over again.
You deeply feel your own emotions and absorb the feelings of others like a sponge soaking up water. As a result, grief or stress become significant challenges for you, forcing you to grapple with multiple emotions simultaneously. You constantly seek reassurance from others and need someone by your side during tough times to remind you that everything will be okay, no matter how strong the darkness in life may seem.
Which signs of the zodiac have a hard time experiencing stress and loss (Photo:
You experience an existential crisis every time you face significant stress. For you, the five stages of grief are not a linear process but a whirlwind of overlapping emotions that shatter your well-structured world. While others may experience denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance sequentially, you can feel all these emotions simultaneously, leading to emotional and mental exhaustion.
You understand that change is a constant rule of life, regardless of the circumstances. However, even with this awareness, you still endure intense emotions when confronted with difficulties. You recognize that you will eventually overcome this "dark tunnel" and restore your emotional balance. Still, it may take days, weeks, months, or sometimes even years before you regain your composure and accept that life must go on.
Read more about the zodiac signs that are born wise.
We also previously discussed the astrological signs that struggle with being imperfect.