Top 7 low-maintenance pets

For those with an active lifestyle, choosing a pet can be a challenging task. Finding an animal that requires minimal care can help you discover the perfect companion that brings joy without too much hassle.
When it comes to low-maintenance pets, many think of goldfish. While they're a popular choice, there are other freshwater fish suitable for those who don't want to spend much time on care.
Some of these include bettas, guppies, neon tetras, mollies, swordtails, and zebra danios. These fish require minimal care, mainly keeping the water clean and feeding them regularly.
Fish are an excellent option for those who want a pet without much hassle.
There are several types of frogs suitable for home care, and most are relatively easy to maintain. They don't take up much space and are low-maintenance.
Some frogs are aquatic, spending most of their time in water, while others are terrestrial or arboreal, living on land or in trees. They feed on insects and don't require special food preparation like fruits or vegetables.
The main challenge in keeping frogs is creating an environment that closely mimics their natural habitat.
Hermit crabs
Hermit crabs are calm and easy to care for. The main responsibility is occasionally cleaning their habitat, but this doesn't need to be done often.
To keep hermit crabs happy, provide fresh water, food, some shells to choose from, and a bit of warmth.
Tarantulas are a convenient choice for those who don't want to spend much time on pet care. They take up little space and are quiet. You only need to feed them once a week.
Tarantulas can live up to 30 years, and their care involves occasionally changing the substrate in their terrarium.
Leopard geckos are a great choice for those who want a low-maintenance lizard. These creatures live long and are pleasing to the eye with their bright colors and patterns. They're popular among both beginners and experienced reptile owners.
Geckos only need a bit of warmth, humidity, and a variety of insects for food. Their care is simple, making them great pets.
Corn snakes are an excellent choice for those looking for a low-maintenance snake. They're quite docile and don't grow too large, making them a popular choice for reptile enthusiasts.
All they need is a basic terrarium with a heater and a secure lid. Adult corn snakes only need feeding a few times a month. Regularly changing the substrate and keeping the water clean is enough to keep them in good condition.
Canaries are low-maintenance birds but still require regular care. While they need less attention than some other birds, they still need fresh water and food daily. Regular cage cleaning is also essential for the bird's health.
If you're looking for a bird that doesn't require complex care, a canary is an ideal choice.