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Top 6 animals that become the worst pets

Top 6 animals that become the worst pets What animals are not suitable for a pet (photo:
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Some animals, despite their appeal, are completely unsuitable for living in a home environment. They may be dangerous or require special care that is difficult to provide in captivity.

Fennec fox

The fennec is a small fox with large ears, sometimes kept as a pet. Weighing about 1.3 kilograms, it has a striking appearance. However, keeping a fennec requires preparation. These foxes are nocturnal, which can disturb sleep, and they love digging burrows.

Before getting a fennec, it's important to check local laws, as owning one is prohibited in many places. They need a special diet; regular dog food won't suffice. Their meals must include fruits, vegetables, and small rodents.

A fennec can live up to 14 years in captivity but demands a lot of attention and proper care.

Топ-6 тварин, які стануть найгіршими домашніми улюбленцями

Fennec fox in the zoo (photo: Wikipedia)


The serval is a wild cat native to Africa, living in areas without tropical forests. With the longest legs relative to body size among cats and a distinctive golden-yellow coat with spots, servals may resemble domestic cats, but they remain wild animals.

Despite efforts to domesticate them, servals have not been fully tamed. Their images can be found in ancient Egyptian art, where they played a significant role, and today, they are part of the exotic pet trade. In many countries, keeping a serval as a pet is illegal, though it is permitted in some areas.

Servals require large territories for activity and hunting, making them unsuitable for apartment living. They have specific dietary and veterinary needs and may mark their territory, complicating their care as pets.

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Serval in South Africa (photo: Wikipedia)


The capybara is the largest rodent species, resembling a giant guinea pig. Although they are cute and charming, capybaras are not ideal for apartment living for several reasons.

First and foremost, they are social animals that live in groups of up to 100 individuals. They dislike being alone, so it's best to keep at least a pair of capybaras. These animals can grow up to 0.6 meters in height and weigh up to 77 kilograms, much larger than the average dog.

The legality of keeping capybaras varies by country, and they require ample space to thrive. They need a pool of standing water and around 3.6 by 6 meters of space for several individuals. Despite their appeal, caring for a capybara at home can be expensive and challenging.

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Great capybara in the zoo (photo: Wikipedia)


Sloths have gained popularity due to viral photos online. Their slow, endearing nature attracts many, and some dream of having them as pets. However, despite their charm, sloths are not suited for life as household pets.

Firstly, sloths are wild animals. They need specific conditions found in tropical forests and struggle in captivity. Secondly, despite their appearance, sloths can be dangerous. They have strong teeth, and their bite can cause infections. Additionally, they are three times stronger than humans.

For these reasons, keeping sloths as pets is not advisable. They do not adapt well to human care, so it’s better to leave them in their natural habitat.

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Sloth in the wild (photo: Wikipedia)


Tigers are among the largest and most powerful predators on the planet, but unfortunately, there are more tigers in captivity than in the wild. It's estimated that about 5,000 tigers live in captivity in the US, while only around 3,900 remain in the wild.

Though tigers may seem like attractive exotic pets, they remain wild and dangerous animals. Keeping such a large cat, weighing up to 270 kilograms and over 3 meters long, is extremely risky. Tigers need space to roam and hunt, consuming up to 8 kilograms of meat a day.

Providing the necessary conditions for a tiger’s health and well-being in captivity is difficult and expensive. Moreover, tigers remain predators, and their behavior is unpredictable, making them highly dangerous to humans.

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Amur tiger (photo: Wikipedia)


Bears are the largest land predators, and while they may appear cute, they are incredibly dangerous. Some species can grow to enormous sizes, and their sharp claws pose a serious threat. Nonetheless, some people still attempt to keep bears as pets.

Caring for a bear requires significant effort and resources. In most countries, it is illegal, and where it is allowed, special licenses are required. Bears grow rapidly, reaching weights of up to 700 kilograms, and need a lot of space and food.

Топ-6 тварин, які стануть найгіршими домашніми улюбленцями

Brown bear (photo: Wikipedia)

Previously, we discussed how often you should take your cat to the vet depending on its age.

Earlier, we also shared the top 3 hardiest animals on our planet.

Sources: List Verse, Wikipedia.