Time for records and feats: Astrologer gives forecast for Wednesday

Wednesday, February 19, will be a very unusual day. It is only important to take into account the position of the planets, because they can affect many things, states Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Solovyova.
Astropogodi Forecast for the 19th of July
"Lying, flattery, and sycophancy are dangerous: they give you a benefit by giving up your principles, but it will quickly become known and destroy your credibility. A period of forward movement, a time for records and feats. An active, creative day of courage, voluntary sacrifice, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to achieve triumph and victory," Solovyova emphasized.
"You need to be honest and fair even in small things. A good day for politicians, reformers, showmen, and producers. Group classes, meetings, and collective discussions of problems are useful. Things related to responsibility and duty will be successful. Walks in nature, baths, water, and cleansing procedures are useful," she also explained.
According to the astrologer, the period will be unsuccessful for new business and important decisions, surgical and dental interventions, as well as for visiting the hairdresser.
"February 19 is the day of Mercury, the planet of communication, means of communication (various gadgets), transportation, travel, documentation, trade, and learning. Avoid unnecessary chatter, gossip, and misinformation, and keep track of your belongings so you don't lose them. Deception and fraud are possible," the expert also warned.
Beeswax and products made from it (cosmetics based on it, food, etc.) or simply candles made from it will help to strengthen the energy of Mercury.
Wednesday horoscope (illustrative photo: Freepik)
Astro interesting things for February 19
On this day, from 14:50 to 16:50, the Moon, which is responsible for our emotions, psyche, soul, subconscious, instincts, feelings, moods, receptivity, vulnerability, and emotional volatility, will be in the destructive degree of Scorpio.
"The destructive degree is the degree of sacrificial testing: only through trials can one receive help and retribution for one's resilience. In Scorpio, this degree brings destruction of the mental nature, pessimism, mental breakdown, hot temper, avarice, destruction of health, greed, risks, and losses," the astrologer reminded.
But we should not forget that the influence of the degree depends on the ability to harmoniously fit into life and find mutual understanding with the world around us, as well as on the art of using life lessons.
"Don't schedule any important matters related to the Moon's sphere of responsibility during this period (from 14:50 to 16:50)," Solovyova said.
Earlier, we told you which zodiac signs are going through a difficult period.
Also, read the tarot horoscope for the rest of the week.