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Three European countries ask EU to help pay for hosting Ukrainian refugees

Three European countries ask EU to help pay for hosting Ukrainian refugees Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of Germany (photo: Getty Images)

Germany, Poland, and Czechia have formally requested financial assistance from the European Union to cover the costs of hosting Ukrainian refugees.

According to a letter obtained by Bloomberg, three countries have expressed these sentiments to Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the European Commission.

"More than 50% of Ukrainian refugees who have entered the European Union live in Germany, Poland and Czechia. The uneven challenges for Member States within the EU are also evident in relation to the respective size of the population," Poland, Germany, and Czechia said in a letter.

They emphasized that such a situation creates varying consequences for the national budgets of European countries.

"An additional and — in relation to actual expenses — substantial financial support from the existing funds of the current Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 is needed for those member states particularly affected in order to adequately reflect the expenses of taking in, housing and providing for refugees from Ukraine," the three countries added.

In turn, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated that the question of how much each EU member state contributes to the reception of Ukrainian refugees does not have a clear distribution.

According to him, the EU should compensate Czechia, Poland, and Germany for the costs of living, vocational training, and language courses for Ukrainian refugees.

Aid for refugees

Today, June 27, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution supporting financial assistance to Ukrainian refugees for their return home following the conclusion of the war.

The resolution underscores the need for European countries to begin preparations for the return of Ukrainians immediately.