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This popular drink slows aging, fights wrinkles

This popular drink slows aging, fights wrinkles Whether tea is really good for the body (photo: Freepik)

Tea is one of the most popular, delicious, and beneficial beverages. It offers numerous advantages for the body and should be an integral part of your diet, according to Ukrainian nutritionist Natalia Samoilenko.

Health benefits of tea

According to experts, both coffee and tea offer significant health benefits, provided they are consumed in moderation, especially in the case of coffee.

Tea, in particular, is highly beneficial for the gut microbiome and helps normalize intestinal bacteria, positively impacting skin health. It also provides protection against ultraviolet rays, which can slow the aging process.

Furthermore, tea helps prevent glycation, thereby maintaining the integrity of collagen and elastin, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. The drink also boasts anti-inflammatory properties, effectively addressing skin redness and rashes.

Green tea is particularly rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, including the potent catechin EGCG, which can protect against cellular damage. Black tea's caffeine content can boost concentration and energy levels.

However, excessive consumption of strong tea can increase the risk of gout and kidney stones due to its purine content. It is also not recommended for individuals with glaucoma or hypertension.

Tea contains caffeine, which, when consumed in excess, can disrupt sleep patterns by delaying melatonin production, the sleep hormone. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to obesity and impact blood glucose levels.

Daily consumption of tea

A cup of black tea with a volume of 200 ml can contain up to 60 mg of caffeine, while green tea can have up to 50 mg.

The recommended daily caffeine intake for an individual is approximately 400 mg, with a lethal dose for an adult being around 10 grams.

Excessive consumption of low-quality black tea can potentially damage your smile, as it may leave stains on your teeth.

Herbal teas contain polyphenols, which are special compounds that interfere with the absorption of iron. Consequently, excessive consumption of herbal tea can lead to iron deficiency.

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