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These zodiac signs will cry with happiness. Fateful weekend awaits them

These zodiac signs will cry with happiness. Fateful weekend awaits them What zodiac signs will be lucky this weekend (illustrative photo: Freepik)

By the end of the week, representatives of some zodiac signs will be able to receive a real gift of fate. Tarot cards promise them events that will bring a lot of happiness into their lives.


Get ready for a moment that will change the way you think about happiness. Perhaps you will receive long-awaited news that you were afraid to even dream about. There is also a chance that you will meet someone who can change your future. This weekend is the time to shine, and become the brightest star in your life.


You've been waiting for a long time, doubting, weighing the pros and cons, but fate won't allow you to waste time any longer. Soon, you will have a chance in your life that will determine a lot. All you have to do is say yes to everything new. Let miracles make you cry with happiness, leave all the bad things in the past.


This weekend, you will receive a sign that will help you make an important decision, or you will realize that the past is no longer pressuring you. The main thing is to trust your feelings because they will point you in the right direction. Tears of joy will be the best confirmation that everything is going right. Experience the transformative changes!


Fate doesn't always show favor, but if it does, it's very generous. This weekend will bring you confirmation that all your efforts were not in vain. You will succeed in a business to which you have devoted a lot of energy. A sudden turn in life that will make you truly happy will be the start of something new for you.


The universe has decided to prove that miracles do exist. Your old dream may start to come true. When your heart starts to beat faster, it is important not to scare away your luck. Do not hold back the tears of happiness, but do not rush things, let the wind of change change your life as the stars have decided.

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Sources: Tarot, Your Tango.