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Terrorist attack in Israel: Unknown opens fire at Beersheba central bus station

Terrorist attack in Israel: Unknown opens fire at Beersheba central bus station Photo: Israel suffers another terrorist attack (Getty Images)

A terrorist attack took place in southern Israel. An unknown gunman opened fire at the central bus station in the city of Beersheba, injuring 10 and killing one person, reports The Times of Israel.

According to the latest information from the Magen David Adom (MDA) ambulance service, medics have treated a total of 11 people injured in the terrorist attack at the central bus station in Beersheba. Among them was a 25-year-old woman who died of her wounds.

Among the victims taken to Soroka Hospital is a woman in her 20s in moderate condition, as well as four men in their 20s, also in moderate condition. They all sustained gunshot wounds.

Another five people are in satisfactory condition after being hit by glass shards or blunt force trauma. The MDA also added that three more people were being treated for acute anxiety.

The terrorist who committed the attack was shot dead.

After the attack, Israeli Transportation Minister Miri Regev said that the families of the terrorists should be deported after the shootout at the bus station, which left one person dead and 10 injured.

“The time has come for a deterrent punishment that prevents attacks on Israeli territory,” she wrote on X.

The Times of Israel notes that Regev's brief message came amid unconfirmed reports that the perpetrator of the attack, who was shot dead, was an Israeli citizen from the Bedouin community in the south of the country.