Telegram CEO Pavel Durov brought before court, could be charged - Le Figaro
The CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, who was recently detained in France, has been brought before the court. He may face charges, Le Figaro reports.
As the source notes, Durov is accused of failing to take any measures to prevent the spread of criminal content on Telegram.
"Police lifted the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, who was detained for twelve crimes related to organized crime, on Wednesday afternoon (August 28, - ed.)," writes Le Figaro.
The charges against the CEO of Telegram include:
- Failure to provide information required for lawful interception;
- Complicity in offenses and crimes organized on the platform, including drug trafficking, child pornography, fraud, and organized money laundering;
- Providing cryptographic services for ensuring privacy without proper declaration.
Detention of Durov
On the evening of August 24, Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, was detained at an airport near Paris. He is suspected of serious offenses related to money laundering, terrorism, and fraud.
Telegram denies these allegations, emphasizing that the company complies with all European legal requirements and that Durov is innocent.
More details about the detention can be found in the RBC-Ukraine material.